May of ’93, after too many editors altered too many facts in the two
thousand or so articles I’d written (for no reason other than to
appease advertisers), I stepped off the Freelance Reporter treadmill
and bought a horse named Fiction. For more than a year, I fed her well
and rode her gently, and in August of ’94, we trotted right into the
middle of Story Town, where my very first novel was displayed in
bookstores. For the next five years, ol’ Fiction and I had a good ride.
And then illness knocked me from
the saddle.
As I slogged through treatments
and swallowed bitter pills, I didn’t pay much attention to poor ol’
Fiction—and she made me pay a hefty price for those long months of
neglect. I bought the biggest, juiciest carrots available, but she
wouldn’t so much as nibble. I sought the advice of a fiction whisperer,
but not even the lessons learned in classes and workshops helped me get
back into the saddle.
And that’s when goofy quotes,
stored deep in my memory bank, bobbed to the surface and messed with my
already messed-up head:
“You’re only as good as your
last picture.” (Myrna Loy [and several dozen other actors].)
“Every day, you have to show
people your skill set, whether you’re a songwriter or not . . . and as
a songwriter, you’re only as good as your last hit.” (Kara DioGuardi, American
Idol judge.)
“You’re only as good as your
last recording.” (Phil Lesh, bassist with the Grateful Dead.)
“You’re only as good as your
last fight.” (Kelly Pavlik, prizewinning boxer.)
“Is that all there is?” (Peggy
Lee’s 1969 hit.)
If I had given up on writing
because it had become a chore or grew boring, well, I could have lived
with that. But to be sidelined by serious health issues over which I
had no control? Not so easy to wrap my mind around. There I stood eye
to eye with Failure. And she wasn’t pretty.
So I had a choice: Find
something else to do, or find a way to encourage Fiction to let me get
back into the saddle, which meant starting from scratch, as if I’d
never ridden before . . . a process every bit as tough on an emotional
level as my illness had been physically. On the one hand, there were
fewer publishing houses, thanks to mergers and acquisitions and
bankruptcies. Fewer editors, too, and thanks to dwindling budgets,
fewer contracts being issued. On the other hand, more authors were
competing for fewer openings. And the market had changed, a
lot. Seriously? I was terrified! Because even if Fiction would
let me ride again, did I have the talent and stamina to jump that many
the real question, as I saw it, was How much do you want
this, Loree? Enough to pretend I hadn’t earned more than
fifty book contracts? Enough to accept the fact that in editors’,
agents’, and even readers’ eyes I was a “never sat a horse” greenhorn?
a word, the answer was yes.
So I approached the work as any
athlete would after suffering a serious injury: I swallowed my
medicine, I exercised, I took things one day at a time, always
balancing what Sun Tsu said in The Art of War, “In
order to conquer one’s enemy, one must first conquer one’s self” with
what Yoda said in Star Wars, “Do or do not; there
is no ‘try.’”
If it took a hundred rejections
before Fiction would let me ride again, so be it. I dealt with each
failure as if it were a stepping stone, not a stumbling block, and read
each “We wish you luck placing your work elsewhere” as proof I was
working again. I viewed the entire process as a test from God. If
Colonel Sanders could make chickens fly out of his restaurants after
one thousand rejections, if Thomas Edison could keep trying after ten
thousand failures, so could I.
After a long dry spell, during
which I received fourteen rejections, in 2007 I sold a book to
Summerside Press. Since then, I’ve signed contracts for sixteen
additional titles. For the first time in my nearly twenty-year career,
I identify with Sally Field, who for years has been misquoted for what
she said when accepting the Best Actress award for her role in Places
in the Heart: “I haven’t had an orthodox career, and I’ve
wanted more than anything to have your respect. The first time I didn’t
feel it [her Oscar for Norma Rae], but this time I
feel it, and I can’t deny the fact that you like me, right now, you
like me.”
Will I fall from Fiction’s
saddle again? God put me up there, so only He knows the answer to that
question. But you can be sure I’m gonna ride this magnificent horse for
as long as she’ll let me, because right now, readers like me!
