I sit down to plot out a novel, I usually start with the male
protagonist. Don’t ask me why (because my husband reads this column,
too!), but more than a few of my heroes resemble Tom Selleck, Sean
Connery, and George Cloony. Whether tall or not-so, blue-eyed or
Scottish-accented, they have one thing in common: Men and
women like these fellas.
That, I believe, is part of
their appeal . . . and explains their continued success in a wildly
competitive industry. Readers seem to agree, as evidenced by what they
share in letters:
“Loree, the whole time I was
reading about Bryce in Love Finds You in North Pole, Alaska,
I was picturing Tom Selleck in a black eye patch. I can’t tell you how
many times my husband said, ‘What’s with that dreamy-weird look on your
face?’ when I had that novel in my hands. If there’s a sequel to this
one, I intend to buy it, if for no other reason than to spend a few
days holding Tom Selleck in my hands!” (Martine Anderson, Paducah,
“Every time I reached a line of
dialogue [spoken by J.J. O’Keefe in Kate Ties the Knot],
I heard Sean Connery in my head. Yes, I know that J.J. was Irish and
that Sean is from Scotland, but that fact didn’t stop me from picturing
that one-of-a-kind smirk and look that Sean branded
his Bond Girls with as the story unfolded!” (Kristina Gelichi, Eau
Claire, Wisconsin)
“Because I’m an FBI agent, my
wife made me read Suddenly Daddy to see if I agreed
that Mitch looked like George Clooney. I did. And now she’s nagging me
to behave more like Mitch/George. Thanks a lot,
Loree.” (Chuck Gustafson, Phoenix, Arizona)
Chuck, Martine, Kristina, and
dozens more just like them agreed that character descriptions—of
heroes, in particular—add an important dimension to novels that draws
them deeper into the story. And while I’m grateful that they “got” what
I was going for in describing the men who held the starring roles in
these novels, I can’t take full credit for the idea.
learned that little trick, decades ago when my “I wanna be a published
author” dream was shiny and new, as I sat front-row-center in a
community college classroom and instructor Carolyn Males said, “You’re
not just a writer, you’re an artist. But instead of crafting pictures
with pencils or oils, you’re using words.” The image of me,
paint-smeared palette in one hand, fan-brush in the other, standing at
the easel as I dab life-sparks into the eyes of “my” Tom or Sean,or
George? Whoa. That was downright appealing, in more ways than one!
I’ve read more than a few books
in which authors have chosen not to describe any of the characters. And
a few in which writers provided only vague and hazy descriptions. In
both cases, I’m forced to glance at the cover in the hope I can picture
how the hero might look saying this, doing that, reacting to something
has happened to him . . . or to the heroine. Too often, the
artist’s rendition doesn’t resemble the hero who lives in my head. And
sometimes, the cover depicts a landscape instead of people.
You betcha! Why? Because
I’m the type of reader who needs to “see” the characters who act out
the roles in the stories I read!
As evidenced by the big fat
stack of reader mail I’ve received on this topic, I’m not alone. That’s
why, when it’s time to fill out my next trusty timeline, I’ll pencil
“Tom” or “Sean” or “George” into the box titled HERO.
I’m sure for every author who
has valid reasons for not describing characters,
there’s a reader who prefers that style. All I can say to my readers is
never fear, dear ones, I promise always to paint you a picture (of Tom
or Sean or George) that you can carry in your mind as you drift off to
sleep. (My big strong guy-readers can pretend they’re the cowboys who
tame spirited stallions; gal-pal readers might prefer to slip into the
heroine’s boots . . . and act as if you really need his help getting
into the saddle!)
If you haven’t yet written to
share your dreamy “moments with a star,” what are you waiting for! I’d
like nothing better than to feature you in a novel where the hero or
heroine has your name...
...and looks like you!
