often should you post on social networks like Facebook and Twitter?
When I put together radio
schedules for my clients, I need to hit listeners three times (or more)
a week to burn companies into their minds. It’s a proven formula to
drive sales.
Can that be overdone? Maybe.
In the mid ’90s I worked for an
ad agency that pushed the “or more” to an extreme. We ran so many ads
for a Seattle area mattress company that people hated the commercials.
Hated the owner of the company who appeared in the spots. Local media
made fun of her with parodies of her accent and style.
But guess what mattress company
was top of mind in the Seattle area? Guess which mattress company sold
the most beds? Yep.
Does this mean we should be
posting machines on Facebook and Twitter? Uh, not so fast.
You buy a mattress only about
every ten years. And you don’t have to like the company or their
spokesperson. If you feel you’re getting a good deal, you’ll put up
with the dislike of the ads as you’re handing over your credit card.
But with readers, we have an
ongoing relationship. We want them to like us. We do not want to annoy
Have you de-friended someone
because of too many posts? Yes, thank you, I see that hand.
A few people that show up in my
in-box (telling me they’ve posted in one of my FB groups) I
automatically delete. Four to six times a day is too much for me.
the Right Amount?
Sorry, wish I could tell you.
The frequency of three-plus times on radio and TV was determined after
decades of trial and error. We don’t have the same backlog of studies
for posting in social media (yet).
Until we do, think of your posts
as visits from a friend. (It’s a social network, after all.)
you like to chat with your
best friend once a day? (Some studies show the shelf life of a FB post
is twenty-two hours.) Would you want to hear from him or her twice a
day? Three times a week?
that as a guideline.
Content Is Always King
Remember, content will always be
king. If you post three times a day and the content is so scintillating
it launches people out of their chairs and have them dancing the
mambo, post on!
But it’s the rare writer who can
do that. Yes, some of your close friends care that Starbucks didn’t
fill your cup all the way to the top. Most other friends don’t.
Far better to post five times a
week with content that makes people say wow, than five times a day that
makes people yawn.
Must go. I have some e-mails I
need to delete.
