Bonnie Calhoun

Bonnie S. Calhoun is the Founder and Publisher of Christian Fiction Online Magazine . She is also the Owner and Director of the Christian Fiction Blog Alliance which is the parent organization for the magazine.

In addition to her passion for spreading the word about Christian fiction, Bonnie is also an author of snarky suspense. Her first novel, Cooking The Books (A Sloane Templeton Novel) will release from Abingdon Press in April 2012. It is presently available for digital e-reader download if you are a book reviewer. Go to, Abingdon Press as the publisher.

Merry Christmas

December 1st, 2011

I can’t believe we are in December all ready. This year has flown by with the lightning speed of the internet. And this wonderful cyber medium has propelled us as writers into unchartered territory with great new promise.

Christian youth are using the internet as the unexplored frontier when it comes to evangelism, and Christian writers are finding new avenues to publish their works in e-book form that further spreads the Lord’s word across the invisible airwaves. Praise Jesus!

Think of all we’ve accomplished for the Lord this year. Think of how many new souls have been welcomed into the Kingdom because of the words of Christian fiction authors. I’m thinking of all the new books and new contracts that have come about, and how our industry is growing by leaps and bounds. It is a glorious time to be a part of the Christian fiction era.

At this, most special and joyous time of the year, I want to wish each and every one of our readers, writers, and extended internet family, a very Merry Christmas, and a happy New Year.


Oh…PS…if you are a book reviewer and so inclined, my debut novel is up on, Abingdon Press as the Publisher, for e-reader download and review:

Bonnie S. Calhoun

"Disclaimer - while these columnists are part of the CFBA/CFOM family, their views do not necessarily reflect the values of the CFBA organization."

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