Cowgirl At Heart
John Olson

Author Interview

Meet Jerry Jenkins

Jerry Jenkins’s name is one associated with a myriad of successful writing projects. With more than 170 published titles on his resume and owner of The Christian Writer’s Guild and Jenkins Entertainment, no part of the creative process is left unexplored within this intriguing man’s life. When presented with the opportunity to interview this icon of the Christian publishing industry, I was a bit...

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Shawn Grady

Spine Chiller Thrillers

He Wouldn’t Have Lived If I Hadn’t Shot Him

Curiosity piqued?

Or how about this: “I spent the day chasing the Angel of Death.”

Make you want to read more?

What makes us want to take home a book by an author we are unfamiliar with? Is it the cover? Dust jacket copy? The premise? Genre?

What pushes us over that line from an inquisitive peruser...

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Cindy Martinusen Coloma

Genre Happenings

Speaking Teen

I walked into my local Barnes & Noble recently and was hit off-kilter, feeling like I’d just entered the Twilight Zone. They had moved the books around! After I recovered, I started exploring. When I wandered down one major traffic aisle, I found the new and greatly expanded YA section.

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Dee Stewart

Multicultural Fiction

The Human Heart in Conflict with Itself

Crossing the Lines is the story of Jack Hall, a sportswriter for the Atlanta Constitution, who was once a contented Southerner—until September 1957 when he sees an image in a small newspaper of a white girl screaming insults at her black classmate, which ignites a new mission. Jack, so thoroughly grieved by the now famous photo of...

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Cynthia Hickey

Reviewers Corner

This month's featured reviewer:
Cynthia Hickey

began reading at an early age, growing up on Nancy Drew and Trixie Beldon, to name a few. I read everything. The backs of cereal boxes, menus, street signs. I couldn't escape the magic of the printed word. Books were often my escape. From the moment I began to put letters ...

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Nancy Moser


The Wallet Of Wisdon

Now that you’re done rolling your eyes, let me explain. I’m not speaking of the 2 + 2 = 4 kind of smart (though Carson does have his moments), I mean the wisdom that pops from the mouths of our children, unsolicited and unannounced. The wisdom that makes us grownups feel the need to . . . grow up.

It all started at a basketball game. The winter holidays were neatly tucked away until next year. No more tinsel on the carpet or massive meals that sent us napping. Our checkbook was taking a much needed breather as we gave our New Year’s resolutions a valiant shot at success.

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