like imagining running down a rain-drenched sidewalk, jumping cracks
and dodging raindrops. It reminds me of the innocence of childhood.
Recently I spent the day with
lovely friends and authors brainstorming a story for one, setting goals
for all. Since I was new to the party, I sat back waiting to hear what
the others had to share, trying to come up with one or two bullet
points for myself. Just what were my goals for 2010?
I didn’t think “Survive
deadline” really counted. Seemed like more of a necessity than a goal.
“Make more money” seemed too intangible. Who doesn’t want to make more
money? “Write brilliantly”? Not really a goal, goal. More like a pipe
Finally, when my friends turned
to me to share, I confessed, “I have one goal. Follow Jesus, pursuing
and loving Him.”
As I look back over my life as a
way to predict my futureif possibleevery major decision, move, and/or
opportunity came when I surrendered: “Lord, I give up; You do it.”
Post-college, I had a revelation
that I’d be miserable if I didn’t focus on God, trust Him, and let Him
lead me. The grass would always be greener. Another job would look more
fascinating. Perhaps that man would make a better
husband than the one I would choose. The list of possible discontent
was endless.
So I left it to the Lord. I’m
happy to declare He’s never failed me. He’s called me to good. I don’t
have to promote myself. He opens doors and promotes me. In His time.
losing weight or going to the gym don’t work quite the same way. Even
following God requires personal discipline and dedication. When God
opened for me, it required that I show up. Not one book has written
itself. It took me with butt in chair, meeting word-count goals,
becoming familiar with the word no.
But even in that, He meets me.
When I first joined the board of American Christian Fiction Writers, my
plate overflowed. I worked full time as a software project manager. I
lead worship and a multichurch prayer ministry. I was writing my first
contracted book.
tipping my plate was the
task of organizing ACFW’s second annual conference. S-T-R-E-S-S. I had
no idea what I was doing.
conference committee was spread across the
country. The hotel was in Houston. I felt like I was peering into a
black hole. Never mind that I’d never organized a national conference.
I woke up at night, panicked,
picturing all the people I would be letting down. Finally, I said,
“Lord, You have a conference to organize. Let me know what You need me
to do.” Without fail, peace came.
The Lord sent labors like
Allison Wilson to help, and others who did more than their share of
work. To this day, that conference is one of my favorites because there
was such an air of grace and peace.
As you go into this New Year,
fresh with hope, starting with a clean slate, seek God. Trust Him to
place you exactly where He wants and needs you to be. He is so good. He
has prepared good works for each of us to walk in.
It’s true. Seek first the
kingdom of God and all the other stuff will be added.
