Jim Rubart

Since 1994, Jim Rubart has worked with clients such as AT&T/Cingular, RE/MAX, ABC and Clear Channel radio though his company Barefoot Marketing, but his passion is writing fiction. His debut novel ROOMS released in April and hit the bestseller list in September. His next novel, BOOK OF DAYS just released this month. He's also a photographer, guitarist, professional speaker, golfer, and semi-pro magician. He lives in the Northwest with the world's most perfect wife and his two almost-perfect sons. No, he doesn't sleep much. You can reach him at jlrudini[at]comcast.net, or visit his website at http://www.jimrubart.com/.

You’re the Star of the Show, Right?
Uh, No, You’re Not

Back in 2003 I went to a conference led by a multimillion selling author. Fifteen or twenty people sat around him having an informal Q & A.

As I passed by I heard one of the attendees say, “You’ve hit the big time. So how do you deal with all the fame?”

The author smiled, shook his head, and said, “Sorry, let’s go to another question.”

The questioner persisted. “No, really, tell us what it’s like to be a celebrity. How do you work that out?”

The author smiled again. “No, we’re not going to go there. That’s not something I’m going to talk about.”

By his tone, I knew this author was refusing to dwell on thoughts that he was anything special. His countenance made it clear he wasn’t going to allow the story of his success to be about him. He was determined to make God more famous, not himself.

Fame. If you’re pre-published, it’s an issue you’ll eventually have to deal with, and if you’re published and your book(s) has had a modicum of success, it’s something you’re already dealing with.

When a reader gushes about how wonderful your book is, or how powerful your writing is, what do you do with that?

Think about those moments. It’s the ultimate chance to market yourself. A chance to promote your latest book, to point them toward your blog, or to get them to promote you to their friends. Wham! They flipped the switch and the megawatt spotlight is shining on you. And behind that spotlight is a reader with eyes full of anticipation, full of the hope that you’ll be as wonderful in person as you are in print.

That spotlight is on you, and more than on you. They’ve handed you the spotlight and you can do anything you want with it.

Might I suggest you use these opportunities to forget all about marketing? Might I suggest you take that spotlight that—if we’re honest—appeals to the insecure part of yourself that craves the attention and turn it back on your admirer. Might I suggest you don’t talk about yourself at all but focus your energy on your new fan? Draw them out. Ask them questions and really listen to the answers. (Please note the “s” on the end of answers.)What if you determined to make the entire conversation, whether it’s one minute or one hour, about them?

“Thank you, I’m so glad you like my books. That means so much.” Then you smile big and say, “Tell me about you.” The rest of the conversation you ask follow-up question after follow-up question.

We have an incredible chance to “market” Jesus in those moments. Remember, the stories of our lives are no longer our stories if we’re followers of Christ. It’s His story lived through us.

If you’re a faithful follower of my column (yes, thank you, I see those two hands), you know I’m a believer in marketing ourselves in every moment.

If we are little christs (Christians), then our greatest marketing moment will be when we’re given a chance to present a reflection of His unfathomable love.


Book Of Days