“Hey, Emily,” my coworker,
Holly, whispers. “Dream Man is here!”
I cast a glance across the
airport boutique and see him looking at some fancy journals. I’ve
worked as a sales associate at this store for over two years, and I’ve
often seen “Dream Man” at the front counter of the airline where he
works. He is tall, lean, and muscular; in his early thirties I think,
with wavy, brown hair and a friendly smile.
“Can I help you find anything?”
I ask, as I approach him.
“I’m looking for a journal as a
present for a lady.”
I wonder, Who is that
lady? Discreetly I look at his left hand and see no ring.
Well, at least he’s not married!
“Would she like a leather-bound
journal or a hardcover one?”
“I think this one will do.” He
points to a handsome, hardcover journal with a floral design on its
front cover.
“Good choice! I’m sure she’ll
like it.” I look into his gorgeous blue eyes.