No introduction is necessary
because you all know and love my dear friend Marlene Bagnull! Tell us
about GPCWC this year...
“‘How can we picture God’s
kingdom? What kind of story can we use? It’s like a pine nut. When it
lands on the ground it is quite small as seeds go, yet once it is
planted it grows into a huge pine tree with thick branches. Eagles nest
in it.’
“With many stories like these,
he [Jesus] presented his message to them, fitting the stories to their
experience and maturity. He was never without a story” (Mark 4:33-34
The story of the Greater
Philadelphia Christian Writers Conference is the story of
thousands of
writers who have been encouraged and equipped to “write His answer.” It
is the story of authors, editors, and agents who have looked at
countless manuscripts. And it’s the story of friendships formed as God
has connected His scribes with others who share a passion for His
A big part of GPCWC’s story is
how the emphasis on writing fiction has grown through the years. An
expanded earlybird program on Wednesday, August 11, includes a 2-part
workshop on “The Fiction Freight Train” taught by Tracey (T.L.) Higley,
the author of six books with two more releasing this year. Tracy
started her first novel at the age of eight and has been hooked on
writing ever since. Her first historical, Shadow of Colossus,
was a Christy finalist last year in the historical category. Tracey’s
workshop delves into story structure, utilizing the analogy of a
freight train to understand how to keep the pages moving.
Another 2-part earlybird
workshop for fiction writers that will provide encouragement and
practical help to meet with editors at the conference is Kathryn
Mackel’s, “Practice Your Pitch.” Kathryn will also teach the continuing
session, “Adapting Your Book for Film.” You’ll learn how to structure
your plot to fit a two-hour film, how to write scenes for maximum
effect, and how to craft the concept to drive your book from prose to
the silver screen.
Jeanette Windle, author
representative for Kregel Publications, is teaching the continuing
session, “Focus on Fiction.” Her latest book, Veiled Freedom,
has been nominated for a Christy and ECPA Christian book award. “The
blueprint of writing a great story,” Jeanette says, “is given to us in
the greatest story ever told, HIS Story.” This fun, inspirational, and
practical continuing session will focus on A Firm Foundation, Can These
Bones Live?, A Story to Tell, and A Tale’s End.
In addition to a continuing
session, conferees may choose six hour-long workshops or, for
help, they can apply for a fiction clinic that meets during the
workshops. Susan Meissner, 2009 ECPA Christian Book Award winner for The
Shape of Mercy, is leading a Women’s Fiction Clinic. She will
focus on the key elements of marketable contemporary women’s fiction: A
fully fleshed-out female lead or supporting character; a relatable and
relevant conflict; a storyline that invites discussion, introspection,
or wonder; correlating subplot threads; and a satisfying conclusion –
not necessarily happily ever after.
Joyce Magnin will again lead
clinic for Not Yet Published Novelists. “Are you serious about
finishing and submitting your novel?” Joyce asks. “Are you submitting
but collecting rejections? Sometimes fun, always encouraging, and
always truthful, this clinic will get to the heart of your situation
and provide the tools necessary to help you rise above the
run-of-the-mill slush.” Joyce’s first novel, The Prayers of
Agnes Sparrow, was selected by Library Journal
as one of the top five Christian titles of 2009. Her next Bright’s Pond
novel, Charlotte Figg Takes Over Paradise, releases
October 1 from Abingdon Press.
Speaking of Abingdon Press,
we’re delighted with the recent addition of Barbara Scott,
Acquisitions Editor for fiction. Barbara is actively acquiring new
voices, as well as published authors, in the genres of contemporary
women’s fiction, contemporary romance, historical romance, historical
fiction, mystery, action/adventure, and suspense/thrillers. Abingdon
Press publishes 20 novels per year—10 in the Spring and 10 in the Fall.
This year’s conference includes
the most book editors we’ve ever had, including a number who are
looking for fiction. Terry Glapsey, Director of Acquisitions, Harvest
House Publishers, is primarily interested in historical romance and
Amish fiction. Shannon [Hill] Marchese, Senior editor, Fiction,
WaterBrook Multnomah Publishing Group, a Division of Random House,
Inc., is looking for full-length novels with a degree of creativity,
sophistication, and craft in the writing.
She doesn’t have genres she
is not acquiring in, per se, but she is less interested in cozy
mysteries, anything involving missionaries or
terrorists, scientific
thrillers, and YA unless it is very unique. Shannon will be leading a
two-hour Sharp Writer Boot Camp Friday afternoon by application for
writers who have completed a full length novel of over 70K.
Destiny Image Publishers is
“always looking for God-breathed
works of fiction and non-fiction with
a prophetic emphasis” and is sending Acquisitions Agent, Marti Statler.
Cynthia Ballenger, Acquisitions Manager,
Lift Every Voice African
American publishing imprint on behalf of the partnership of Moody
Publishers and the Institute for Black Family Development, is acquiring
Kathi Macias, author
representative, New Hope Publishers, also will look at fiction. Kathi
will teach “Do You Have Issues with Fiction?” that will explore the
possibilities and purpose of developing a novel or series based on a
major issue and how that can help you break out of the pack. Kathi is
the author of New Hope’s new missional fiction series titled “Extreme
C. Hope Flinchbaugh, author of
three novels based on true testimonies of religious
persecution and
revival in China, is senior editor for HigherLife Publishing that
provides authors three choices: to co-publish, publish on demand, or
apply for literary management.
Are you writing a contemporary
fiction series for girls that explores growing up and growing in faith
or a stand-alone middle grade or YA fiction that portrays an authentic
experience of faith, including
the questions and doubts that
tweens/teens experience? If so you’ll want to request an appointment
with Kathleen Kerr, Acquisitions Editor, Zondervan, a HarperCollins
Company. Kathleen is also interested in seeing adventure series for
boys and adventure/fantasy series for boys and girls. And, “Yes! You
Can Write for Children” Nancy I. Sanders says of the continuing session
she will teach.
Kristine Pratt, CEO &
Editor-in-Chief, of the newly launched Written World Communications
will be with us along with two of her editors. Rowena Kuo, editor of
Harpstring, is seeking Christian fiction between 60 and 80K.
Shene, editor of Starsongs magazine, is accepting original, unpublished
work including stories and plays by writers age 9 to 19.
GPCWC takes seriously the
responsibility of training a new generation of writers. Teens are
welcome to attend the entire conference at 60% off. We also offer Teens
Write Thursday afternoon. This year’s theme is “Novel
Writing – Making it Real.” Tim Shoemaker will teach “Making a Scene,”
Bonnie Calhoun “Dialogue that Works,” and Pam Halter “The Rest of the
Story.” Pam is Children’s Editor, HALO Publishing. HALO is a complete
publishing service, and that includes marketing of everything from
children’s picture books to adult novels.
Recognizing that independent
publishing may be the best option for some authors, GPCWC is offering a
continuing session on “The Christian Self-Publisher.” Kathi Macias,
representative for AuthorHouse, will teach the first workshop on the
differences, advantages, and pitfalls of traditional publishing,
self-publishing, and print-on-demand publishing. Andrew Mackay,
publishing specialist with BelieversPress, will walk you through the
self-publishing process emphasizing the ways you can grow your ministry
or career, spread the message God has laid on your heart, and build
your platform. W. Terry Whalin, vice president and publisher at
Intermedia Publishing Group, one of the fastest-growing small presses,
will teach a continuing session on “Marketing – The Constant Drumbeat.”
A recent addition to the faculty, Jeff Dunn of Electric Moon
Publishing, will teach a workshop on epublishing as will Bill Jensen of
Eagle Rock Publishers.
Our faculty of 71 authors,
editors, and agents are available for free 15-minute appointments.
Those who register for Thursday through Saturday receive four
appointments – a total of 60 minutes of one-on-one time. This year’s
agents include Diana Flegal of Hartline Literary Agency, Bill Jensen of
William K. Jensen Literary Agency, and Rachel Zurakowski of Books and
Such Literary Agency. They are all open to fiction.
So . . . where are you at in
your journey to publishing the story or stories God has given you? One
thing is certain—the GPCWC is the place to be August 11-14.
In addition to directing the
Colorado and Greater Philadelphia Christian Writers Conference, Marlene
Bagnull has served on the faculty of over 70 conferences and taught
over 50 one and two-day writing seminars around the country. She is the
compiler/editor of three books and author of five books including Write
His Answer—A Bible Study for Christian Writers. She offers
fiction and nonfiction At-Home Writing Workshops, a correspondence
study program. Marlene also helps writers self-publish affordably yet
professionally through Ampelos Press. Visit to learn more.
GPCWC is happy to offer free
registration to a CFOM subscriber. Click on Scholarships at
and email your application no later than July 15.