Daisy Chain
The Knight, The Rook, The Pawn by Steven James
Joyce Magnin

Real Life Is Stranger

Of Televisions and Men and Household Explosions

My father was a pretty amazing man. He was big and tall and had hands the size of canned hams. Yes, I am talking about the same man who dropped-kicked the turkey through the living room window. He loved electronics and electricity and often built things in the basement. It was kind of like living with Grandpa of Munsters fame. Pop would disappear for hours in the basement or garage and emerge with some contraption or other. 

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Book Trailers

Authors Must Think with the Eyes and Hearts of Their Readers

Misty Taggart

It begins with the written word … and ends in the hands of the reader. Authors are not usually just writing for themselves and their adoring friends and relatives. They and their publishers...

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Special Giveaway

Melanie Dobson

Mike Dellosso wants to help you get through the summer by giving away a complete autographed set of his novels. His books have been labeled by Publishers Weekly as "psycho-spiritual suspense."

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Loree Lough

Loree's Lough Down

Those Critical Ten Minutes

Conference season is upon us, and with it, we have dozens of writers’ conferences we’re itching to attend. If you’re like me, you want to meet with an editor or agent to pitch a novel (in the hope of securing a publishing contract).

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Caroline Friday

At the Movies

Billy: The Early Years

This is a delightful little independent film that tells the story of how Billy Graham became one of the world’s most well-known evangelists. The story opens with Billy’s former evangelist and friend, Charles Templeton (played by Martin Landau), as an old man on his deathbed.

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