Spring Hope


Angela Breidenbach

Angie's Place

Servant Leaders

Have you ever cringed at the harsh words spewing across the table at a business meeting? Did it energize or inspire employees to work harder or build a larger book of clientele? What did you focus on afterwards—the goal or the way you were treated?

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Loree Lough

Loree's Lough Down

Writing Advice: Take It or Leave It

I developed and taught my first writing-related course, "Writing and Selling Freelance Articles," in 1995. Finding competent people to quote, researching assigned topic(s), writing a compelling lead, and drafting query and cover letters were but a few of the lessons I taught, using tactics I'd learned the hard way, by writing more than 2,500 articles. As the years passed and I entered the fiction arena, I added "Build a Better Novel," "How to Write a Romance,"...

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Caroline Friday

At the Movies

October Baby

October Baby is one of the most powerful movies I’ve seen in a long time. It is difficult to review without giving much of the story away, but be assured that it is much more than a statement against abortion. It is an entertaining, fiercely-told independent story that at times has the look and feel of a Hollywood film. It left me boo hooing in the theater all the way through the roll of the last credits—and it wasn’t because the story was sad.

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How NOT To Get Published

Thomas Smith

The ABCs of Writing

Welcome back. Are you all comfy? Got your favorite beverage and a big bag of Cheetos at hand? Good, because today we’re going to revisit your school days. The only difference is, I don’t have a three foot tall beehive hairdo and smell like chalk dust, and you won’t have to stand in the corner. That being said, let’s take a look at some common (and uncommon) terms that have to do with writing and publishing.

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