Daisy Chain

Randy Rooney

That Blocked-Up Feeling by

Sitting at my desk doing routine backups of my hard drive, I tried to figure out how to write the next scene of my novel when the phone rang.

Randy Ingermanson

I looked at the caller ID and saw that it was Sam the plumber calling. There was just no point in spoiling a perfectly bad day by talking to Sam, so I let it ring.

Footsteps outside in the living room. My wife, Eunice, picked up the phone. “Hello?” A short pause. “Oh, um, no, he’s not available. He’s doing backups right now.”

I leaned back in my chair and closed my eyes. I had painted my lead character into a corner in the previous chapter. Which is what...

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Creating An Online Bookclub

Nora St.Laurent

Gas prices too high and can’t get to a book club? Have no fear; I have an Online Book Club for you. Not all online book clubs are created equal. Check out part of my interview with Melanie Dickerson, the ACFW Book Club coordinator, to see why.

Melanie how did you get to run an online book club? How long have you been doing it? Do you think this is a new trend? What is the name of the online book club you run?

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ECPA Bestseller Lists

Notice it says plural lists! That's right...we have ALL of the ECPA lists now, including their Archives. Check out the latest in hot reading across all Christian spectrums.

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Agent Column

What Does It Take To Be An Agent?

Sandra Bishop

lot of folks have been asking how it came about that I joined MacGregor Literary, so I thought I’d take this opportunity to introduce myself a bit and let people in on how I went from writer to agent.

I was keeping my head down writing articles for a living, working on my novel, volunteering with my local Christian writers’ summer conference, and trying to decide whether I had what it took to write and publish a memoir.

I rounded up the courage to send my idea to Chip, and he replied, asking if we could get together to talk. That began a series...

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Fiction Fixit Shop

Of Buggies and Bonnets

Meredith Efken

A certain Christian publisher—who shall remain anonymous, so don’t ask—recently put out the word that they are looking to begin a Christian romance line. My first reaction? Good for them! Any opportunity to expand the Christian fiction lineup is good, right?

Until I read the details.

What they are looking for is prairie romances and Amish romances. “A man, a woman, and a buggy.”

They forgot bonnets, so I’ll put that in there for them.

Buggies and bonnets? Is this what our Christian world has shrunk to?

Seriously? I mean . . . seriously???

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Book Video.org

POD And Self-Publishing

Barbara J. Robinson

Publishing on Demand?
What’s to Gain?

“Did you know the trials you face today will be the treasures that enrich your tomorrows?” Janet Eckles illustrates this through her published-on-demand, or printed-on-demand, (POD) book Trials of Today, Treasures for Tomorrow.

Janet is not only a gifted writer, but also a gifted speaker. Had she gone the traditional route to publish her book rather than POD, she would not have been able to sell her book to her speaking audience.

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