Love Finds You In Humble Texas

Life-Transforming Fiction

Breaking the Procrastination Pattern

Dave Meigs

So . . . weird thing happened this morning. I took one of those e-mail online quizzes entitled “Are You a Procrastinator?”

It’s a sore subject with me, since in my opinion, it’s something I do way too much. Four pages of Q&A later, I got my score, and, whoa, what a surprise. But I’m not going to share the number with you . . . yet. First, I’ll share some stuff I learned about procrastination.

The word, as you likely know, comes from the Latin procrastinare...

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Fiction Rants

Plum Spooky by Janet Evanovich is plum crazy

John Perrodin

I have a confession. I can’t wait for the paperback or e-book version of the adventures of Jersey girl bounty hunter, gun-in-the-cookie-jar Stephanie Plum. I buy hardback. Janet Evanovich has created a character so three-dimensional and addicting, I have to get my “fix” ASAP.

But this time . . . I don’t know. It was a romp; it had me snickering so that I got Coke up my nose. (No, the other direction, and dark liquid, not white...

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Rachel's Rubies

Rachel Hauck

The Spiritual Moonstone

Reading is personal. From the genres we prefer to when, where, and how we like to read.

I had a friend who read only in bed. If he wanted to read a book, he crawled under the covers. Other friends promise me they’ll never go high tech with their books. Give then the old-fashioned hardback or paperback, a cup of coffee, and a big comfy sofa.

Other readers I know download...

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All About YA

It's A Small World

Jill Williamson

Having lived in Los Angeles for ten years, I have had the privilege of going to Disneyland more than once. One of my favorite rides has always been It’s a Small World. When you’ve been on your feet since six AM and the sun is blazing, there is no better feeling than sitting down for fifteen to twenty minutes in a boat that floats over cool water out of the sun. Plus, I’ve always loved the creativity of the dolls, animals, and scenery on this attraction.

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Quantum Marketing

The Three Biggest Mistakes Authors Make on Their Web Sites

jim Rubart

Welcome! As you know by now, my name is Jim Rubart, and I have a monthly column here in Christian Fiction Online Magazine. I love writing it! Thanks for taking the time to read my column this month. This month what I’d like to tell you about is . . .

Are you bored out of your mind yet? I am.

You know I write this column...

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Fiction International

The Aussie Author

Glenda Rouxel

Here I am sitting on the other side of the world, Australia, writing while pondering the lovely summer evening, fully aware that many who read this will be layered with jumpers and getting friendly with heaters. I am taking full advantage of the Internet, the only method of communication within my means and timeframe that reaches across the seas to try to crack it big-time into the world of Christian publishing.

Yes, even we Aussies dream of seeking to serve the God of the universe with...

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