a hearty “plotter v. pantser” writing styles debate left me wondering
which club boasted the most members . . . and prompted a two-question
impromptu poll: “Are you a plotter, or pantser?” and “What’s your
writing system?” As you’ll see, there isn’t a “write” speed or method
that guarantees the successful completion of a salable novel.
“I’m driven by organization and
detail. Now that I’m multipublished, I sell by proposal, leaving my
‘winging it’ closet somewhat bare! My writing system these days
consists of grabbing a few minutes when my toddler is occupied. I write
during her naps (while consuming large amounts of caffeine so I won’t
be tempted to join her).” (Betsy
St. Amant, The Gingerbread
“I am somewhere between a
pantser and a plotter, but tend to lean more toward pantser. My system
consists of a word-count goal that I try to reach every day. I plow
through the rough draft, then go back and edit.” (Margaret Daley, Heart
of a Cowboy)
“I am a plotter. My writing
system is to follow my outline and write a scene at a time, editing as
I go. The next day I read what I wrote the day before, and keep going.”
(Gail Sattler,
Head Over Heels)
“I start with character
interviews and build a plot around their conflict, then adjust
according to where they take me. I try to write 2,000 to 3,000 words a
day (more if the words are flowing). Next day, I read what I wrote the
day before and make changes as needed. I work with a self-imposed
deadline about a month before the editor wants it; time away from the
project allows me to read it more objectively.” (Debby Mayne, Sweet
“I’m trying to be more of a
plotter, but so far, I’m a pantser. The characters deepen and their
conflicts become more nuanced and layered as I write. As a pantser, I
look forward to the discovery and insight I gain from allowing my
characters to speak.” (Trish
Perry, Tea for Two)
“I’m mostly a plotter, but not
retentively so. (There’s a slight sheen on the seat
of my pants.) I find it helps to plot the big stuff, and the first
several chapters, then write those first few chapters and plot some
more. At some point, the remainder of the plot just falls into place. I
work much more smoothly once that happens. When I start, I need to know
where the scene is going—or at least what needs to happen. Then I let
the characters take over and take me where they will, and often it’s
not where I planned, but that’s okay. I just need a ‘map’ to get me
started. I need to work more on getting the basic story down, allow it
to be horrible, then go back and edit.” (Ane Mulligan, Chapel
Springs Revival)
“Definitely a plotter. I write
better with structure and a plan, though I’m always open to changing
that plan if needed. I set a daily word count, then edit and revise.”
(Cerella Sechrist,
Love Finds You in Hershey,
“I’m a whole lot pantser, a
little bit plotter. Most important, I must know my characters. I use a
notebook to track details (secondary characters, street names, etc.).
Not knowing what’s going to happen from page to page can be scary, but
it’s also fun. I read my novel on the screen, wondering what’s around
the next corner! Pantsers tend to be a little scatterbrained and
distracted. That said, my system is to set weekly writing goals and
stick to them. If I fall behind, I’ll pay the price when the deadline
looms.” (Sharlene MacLaren,
The Daughters of Jacob Kane series)
“I guess I’m both. I create a
synopsis, but not a chapter-by-chapter outline. I use it as a
guideline, but allow the story to progress and give the characters some
leeway in what happens (in case their ideas are better than mine). It’s
a wonderful puzzle my characters help me assemble, and we have a lot of
fun in the process. My writing system is basically to write a chapter
every day, except Sunday, until a rough draft is complete. When I’m
finished with the unedited draft, I usually set aside at least two
months to polish it. It’s a simple system, but so far it’s worked well
for me.” (Anita Higman,
Another Hour to Kill)
“I’m primarily a plotter, but
I’m flexible about it. I look at any book, play, or short story I write
as a
journey, so I need a map to know where I’m going, what ‘sights’ I want
to see, which characters to bring in, what points I want to hit. That
doesn’t mean I might not discover something wonderful and go off to
explore that. If I have my map, I can always get back, and bring the
discoveries with me. That’s the adventure of it. Otherwise, I’m bored,
and if I’m bored, it’s a sure bet the reader will
be. My ‘system’ is one I learned from Hemingway: Stop when you know
what comes next. It gives you a springboard into the next day’s work.
And I always read what I wrote the day before, and lightly edit. (Chris
Dickerson, writer/director To Bury Caesar)
a combination, so I guess
I’m a panplotter! I begin each story without much more than the opening
situation/conflict, but start making notes for the plot as I go. I
always start a new writing session by editing the last thing I wrote—it
gets me back into the story.” (Robin
Bayne, The Prodigal)
am a pantser. I use character studies, and the basic plot may drive the
character, but ultimately, they will decide where they go. My system is
to write the character until I know him/her intimately and then go back
and fill in the way they would have reacted in all the given
situations. So I usually write to the middle, then go back and write it
all over again and then finish. I start with a question, and the
character answers it from her perspective.” (Kristin Billerbeck, Girly
“I’m a pantser and write my
best stuff when I’m surprised right along with my reader. I start with
a general synopsis (one to two pages), and the rest unfolds. The few
times I’ve tried to write from an outline, I’ve ended up bored . . .
which is really strange, since I’m maniacally organized in the rest of
my life! I write in blocks, six or seven hours at a time. Short gaps
don’t work for me in the bigger picture. I like to spend time with my
story, wiggle my toes it until they’re pruny. Then the next time I find
a big block of time, I read what I wrote last time, edit, and pick up
where I left off. With a full-time day job, Saturdays and Sundays are
reserved for those big time blocks.” (Sandra D. Bricker, Always
the Baker, Never the Bride)
“I suppose I’m a bit of both;
however, I’m more pantser than plotter. I conceive an idea then think
on it for several days before I write. I compose a three to four page
summary, divide it into chapter sections, often changing the plot as I
write. I’m a morning person, and when I have a work-in-progress, I
start writing as soon as I finish my devotions. I work until at least
noon, and stop for our evening meal. Life often upsets those plans, but
that’s my ideal day. I edit the previous day’s work before I start the
next segment of writing, and don’t do heavy edits until the manuscript
is finished. This helps me find yesterday’s mistakes and projects me
into the next portion of unwritten text.” (Irene Brand,
Dreams series)
“I’m a modified pantster. For
example, I wrote 60,000 words SOTP on my latest novel, then put
together a rough outline to keep it from falling apart. I write in time
blocks. I might not write for three or four days, then write for four
to five days straight. I don’t go back and edit till I’m finished with
the first draft.” (Jim
Rubart, Rooms)
“Pantser who aims for plot
points. For example, scene one might introduce the main character;
scene two, I make his motivation clear; scene three is the inciting
incident; four begins the hero’s quest; five changes his direction.
Along the way, I let the characters tell me what readers need to hear.
When I take a road trip, I don’t map out every gas stop, hotel
reservation, and potty break, but I know those things are necessary
parts of the journey, so I search for mile markers and add them to the
story sequentially. Same goes for the rest of the characters. I write
1000+/- words a day after polishing the previous day’s work.” (Eddie
Jones, The Curse of Captain LaFoote)
By my tally, it’s Pantsers: 5,
Plotters: 5, In-betweeners: 6. That tells me it isn’t which “club” you
belong to that matters…but whether or not you can work within the
