
Dave Meigs

Life-Transforming Fiction

God Can Draw a Straight Line with a Crooked Stick

In the early autumn of 1990, I was invited to take part in a week-long prayer meeting with nearly seventy pastors of churches from every part of our county. There were representatives from dozens of denominations and non-denominational churches alike, including a few parachurch...

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Deborah Anderson

Diary Of A Crazy Writer

Rules, Rules, and More Rules

Do the rules of writing ever drive you crazy? Lately this topic seems to be of great interest to some folks. Many worry about breaking the rules when working on their manuscripts. In fact, I recently talked with some of my friends about a few of the rule breakers.

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jim Rubart

Quantum Marketing

Where Should I Spend My Marketing Time?

Sarah says, “I know I need to build my platform, Jim, so where should I concentrate my marketing efforts? Blogging? Facebook? Radio interviews? Speaking gigs? Bookstore signings? Twitter? YouTube? I don’t have time for everything.” Great question, simple answer: Concentrate your marketing efforts on whatever you excel at and forget the rest. We all have areas we’re strong in and those 

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Jeannie Campbell

Character Therapy

The Narcissist

Narcissists get their name from the Greek myth about Narcissus, a man renowned for his beauty. Myths state he was cruel and disdained people who loved him. As divine punishment, he falls in love with a reflection in a pool, not realizing it is his own reflection. He dies there, unable to leave the beautiful image. 

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