the thing, April showers
might bring May flowers but for me they bring copious amounts of
I suffer with terrible spring
and summer allergies. I spend the majority of my days and nights from
April until early August sneezing, blowing my nose, itching my eyes,
and wishing there was a way to scratch my throat. I know what you’re
thinking—take an antihistamine, Joyce. Well, I do. The trouble with
antihistamines is this: They don’t work! At least
not for me for more than an hour or so. Then it’s right back to the
sneeze fest I so enjoy. And besides, no matter what the box says about
the drug being “non drowsy,” it’s a lie. I get so tired and loopy on
the drugs that I cease to be functional. Seriously, if sneezing were an
Olympic sport, I would medal every season.
I’ve had this problem forever,
the allergies. I was so allergic to grass as a toddler I wasn’t allowed
to play on the lawn. True story. I have a picture of me standing in a
baby wading pool on the grass in my little pantaloons. My allergies
were so bad, my mother strung barbed wire around the pool to keep me
from getting out and onto the grass. How sad is that? To think I never
touched grass until I rebelled as a teenager and sat down on the lawn.
Much to my dismay, however, I broke out in hives the size of canoes. My
mother hollered at me, gave me Benadryl, and I went to bed until
Christmas. While the rest of the kids were playing lawn darts, I sat on
the sidelines watching.
It was shortly after that I
underwent the dreaded skin testing. Honestly, how ridiculous. The
doctor inserted needles under my skin and deposited trace amounts of
several known allergens. Then we waited—but not long. My skin began to
swell and soon resembled a sheet of bubble wrap. Turned out I was
allergic to several types of grass and trees, not to mention dust and
dust mites. I ask you, how does a person live in the world and avoid
these things?
And so while most people frolic
freely on the grass, I approach events like church picnics and the
Fourth of July with trepidation. A pick-up game of volleyball on the
lawn can send me screaming into the night. I must sit on a blanket and
watch (and sneeze) or incur the wrath of the hives. I am so allergic to
poison oak that it could actually kill me. In kindergarten I came down
with a case of poison oak. I have no idea how. It was as if the evil
oak spores sought me out. It was all over my body and my face. My
mother, not wanting me to miss too many days of cutting and pasting,
sent me to school still swollen. I walked into the classroom and a
classmate took one look of me and screamed like I was the creature from
the black lagoon
But it doesn’t stop there. I am
also allergic to bee stings. I swell up like a zeppelin. I was maybe
seven years old and my sister and I were standing outside church in our
Sunday dresses. Mine was purple because I believe that was also the
year I refused to wear or eat anything that was not purple. A bumblebee
about the size of a bus had been buzzing nearby when all of sudden, and
without provocation, I might add, it went zinging up my dress and stung
my belly. It hurt sooo bad. I stood there feeling insulted when all of
sudden the world began to spin in a funny direction. The next thing I
knew my lips were as big a Steven Tyler’s, maybe bigger. My father
whisked me off the hospital where I received two, maybe seventy shots
(it felt that way) of something that quickly brought the swelling down.
Gee, that was fun. The only consolation was that the bee died.
So yes, allergies are my life,
especially this time of year. I love spring. I enjoy watching the
flowers bloom and the trees bud and leaf. But my upper respiratory
system just doesn’t get all the hoopla. For some reason my body
recognizes the various pollens drifting on the air as the enemy and
takes what it deems as appropriate measures; i.e.: everything I
mentioned above.
And so, for all you of you who
can enjoy the spring without sneezing, I say, bully for you! But to all
of you who share my plight, I understand. I know. And since I should
bring this article around to writing somehow—which I am not
allergic too, I wrote a poem dedicated to all my fellow allergy
sufferers. My sincere apologies to Elizabeth Barrett Browning
Ode to Pollen
pollen, oh pollen
How do I loathe thee?
I loathe thee to the depth and breadth and snot
My nose can make when feeling
Out of sorts with itchy throat
And itchy skin
And watery eyes to boot.
pollen, oh pollen
How do I loathe thee?
You make me sneeze and cough
And clear my throat
And scratch my eyes incessantly.
loathe the way you turn
My car, a most disgusting yellow
And float around on wind and air
And settle on the ground
And make me sneeze and sneeze and sneeze
And sneeze and sneeze some more.
pollen, oh pollen
How do I loathe thee?
’Tis every spring I dread your
Very presence and wish, oh wish
I were a fish
And lived down in the ocean.
Where no pollen can attack
And no degree of wind
Can carry you upon it’s back
And make me swell with hives.
pollen, oh pollen
How do I loathe thee?
I loathe thee more than
Mayonnaise and ants upon my feet.
