Dear Reader,
Christian Fiction Online Magazine is heading for the holidays. If you haven’t made out your Christmas list yet, make sure to add some great books when you do. I know it’s still September, but I wanted you all to be thinking about great books so you’ll give them this year as gifts. The cool thing about books is that they can be re-read, just like DVDs can be viewed over and over again. How cool is that? I know I’m stating the obvious. Hopefully it made you smile. So please bless your friends and family and give books this year. Christian authors need all the support they can get in these tough economic times.
I attended the American Christian Fiction Writers conference in September and spoke with many of my writer friends about the magazine. It’s considered a great resource not only for writers, but for readers, too. There are many novels releasing this year including works from some amazing debut authors that are raising the bar for Christian fiction with their imaginative stories. The 100 author book signing was quite the event, too. The ACFW scholarship fund was blessed by the many, many book sales that took place this year at conference. It was exciting to see how much God used fellow writers to build the scholarship fund. The way sales were going you would not have guessed there was a recession going on right now. That blessed me.
Have a great idea or short story? Don’t be shy. Please contact me at the conference or send me an e-mail through the Contact Us page and tell me your idea. As the magazine’s Editor-in-Chief, it’s my job to acquire new content and manage the columnists. I’m always open to hearing new ideas.
Also, if you are dying to read a great story but don’t know what to pick up and read next, check out our blog tour page and see what we’re touring on CFBA this month. You can also check out our many columnists pages and read their bios and ads to find out about their latest releases. Our Reviewer’s corner column this month features historical fiction.
More interesting data . . .
Our magazine reaches an increasing number of readers each month. Our monthly "new issue is available" mailing for our online magazine goes out to over 5000 individuals, 46 book clubs, 151 Christian book stores, and 237 library present count (we are always adding to those numbers.) And we now have all of our CFBA blog tour books on the Home page!
To partner with us and reach avid readers, simply click on the word Advertising at the bottom of any main page and check out our affordable prices.
Remember, CFOM is FREE to all readers. We are here to serve you by serving great fiction. Don’t forget to STEAL our cover button HTML code and paste it everywhere! So far we have 49,300 inbound links to our magazine. So keep linking up and spreading the word!

"Disclaimer - while these columnists are part of the CFBA family, their views do not necessarily reflect the values of the CFBA organization."
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