Wynn Wynn Media

Life-Transforming Fiction

A Life Changed Through Fiction

As a writer and youth minister, I have often marveled at how Jesus used parables to portray the vital truths of the Kingdom of God. Following the Lord’s example, ministers use this powerful tool every Sunday from pulpits around the world. We fiction writers wield the same power for changing lives in the word pictures we paint.

Dave Meigs

Over the years, I’ve had the privilege of introducing hundreds of teens and their families to Jesus. I especially enjoy watching their lives change, week by week...

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Teen Column

No Longer Lame Fiction

Sara Kate

Why has Christian Fiction historically been looked down upon or unheard of in today’s world? Maybe it’s because in years past Christian fiction was rather er... lame. Or maybe it was too much of a carbon copy of secular fiction with a little bit of scripture thrown in here or there. Not so now! There are so many amazing Christian fiction authors; they are even storming the secular fiction shelves. And impressively, some made it to the silver screen with Frank Perretti’s and Ted Dekker’s books becoming movies.

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Fiction Ramblings

Churchmouse’s Book and Gift

Sara Mills

I am a Christian bookstore connoisseur. My husband says I’m a junkie, but he hasn’t read a book since the Reagan administration, so his opinion on this matter doesn’t count. I am a Christian bookstore connoisseur. Everywhere I go, I keep my eyes open for Christian bookstores I have yet to explore. Put me around books and I can lose an entire afternoon, but put me in a new (to me) Christian bookstore and I can be gone for days.

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Rachel's Rubies

September Is About Our Sapphires

Rachel Hauck

Some, a-hem, years ago, long ago in a time far away, I majored in Journalism at Ohio State University. Through rigorous course work, I learned to write a news lead, the who, what, when, where, why and how of the story. My professors taught me to dig for the facts, write tight prose and well, get to the point. In honor of my esteemed education, here goes. My name is Rachel Hauck...

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Mad Marketing Genius

Small Press Publishers And Marketing - Part I

Karen Wiesner

Is small press, non-subsidy, royalty-paying publishing a viable option for writers? Yes! The bottom line is that the line between small presses and mass-market publishers is becoming blurrier every day. If the author has a work that’s proved a very hard sell (strictly because the material is deemed a hard sell to consumers by traditional publishers in terms of subject matter or length ...

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Fiction International

Writing Fiction Way  South Of The Border

Colleen Shine Phillips

Living a larger portion of my life in Chile than in my birth country, the United States, I can’t imagine residing anywhere else, but writing for an American audience poses unique challenges—interestingly enough, not just geographical. To produce a quality manuscript, we authors strive for perfect spelling and syntax, I do the same. Although English is my native language and that of my market...

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