September 1st 2010
Dear Readers,
Welcome to September!
The apples are starting to fall
here in New York. The leaves will
start to turn soon, and the song birds will be leaving…but mwhahaha…the
children are going back to school! I know in the South y’all have
already had the giddiness of sending them off but us Northerners delay
the gratification till after Labor Day.
But this is the time of the year
that writers break free, especially
mommy writers who have had to threaten their brood with bodily harm all
summer to be able to carve out a niche of time to write.
Home-schooling moms...God love
you for the multi-tasking abilities you’re endowed with.
But I digress. This issue is
packed with writing tips, lessons on
creating cool writing spaces, and lessons on how to persevere. There’s
also some great advice for after conference decorum, which will come in
REAL handy after ACFW this month. Visit Wanda in the Conference Corner
on the BUZZ tab and take her advice!
Have a safe and happy Labor Day
holiday…and happy conferencing!
God bless and keep you all.
Phil 3:16
"Disclaimer - while
these columnists are
part of the CFBA/CFOM family, their
views do not necessarily reflect the values of the CFBA
found in CFOM
are not endorsements of product.