Publisher's Corner
When I See It
When people learn I work in fiction publishing, I am always eventually asked, “What kind of books are you looking for?” The implication and expectation in the question is that I have a Top Ten Wanted poster in my office with a description of height, weight, and noticeable scars that quantify a can’t miss, next best-seller. I don’t. The answer closest to the truth is: I think I’ll know what I’m looking for when I see it.
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ACFW Happenings
Meet Robin Miller
In January, new members will join the ACFW board, relieving some of us of our duties. While it is an incredible honor to serve, it also takes a gift of time and talent from the board members. Robin Miller (writing as Robin Carroll) will turn over the reins to a new president.
Before we let her leave, we decided she is someone you should meet if you haven’t already. Enjoy this back-and-forth with the talented and hard-working Robin Miller.
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