Dear Reader,
The holidays are upon us. Times are tough for many people right now. But don't let that drain the joy from your life. CFOM is here to serve you, and best of all, it's FREE to the reader. Sure, we have advertising space (at very affordable prices) and we'd love to help you advertise your product, but if you are just stopping by to get some quality, free entertainment, more power to you!
Can you believe we are already publishing our sixth issue? Where has the time gone? This past month of November, CFOM has had over 26,872 visitors and more than 53,876 page loads. Not bad for a start up magazine, eh? I say it is our amazingly talented columnists and readers like you that are making this venture such a success. So give us all a round of applause.
And don't forget that if you have a column you really enjoy, make sure to read it every month. We ARE keeping track of how many people read each column.
We also plan to keep rotating in new columns every now and then. If you have a fabulous idea, amazing wit, or are just plain eager to see your name in print, send me an e-mail. If you have talent you may just see your column in our magazine in 2009.
In the meantime, what would you want to see in future issues of CFOM? Drop the editor a note by going to the About Us link at the bottom of any page and fill out the form. We're looking forward to your feedback.
Please don’t forget to STEAL our cover button HTML code and paste it everywhere! So far there are 19,751 links to our magazine, and that's pretty exciting, but we can do even better. So link up!
Praying for peace during this Christmas season!

"Disclaimer - while these columnists are part of the CFBA family, their views do not necessarily reflect the values of the CFBA organization."
Advertisements found in CFOM are not endorsements of product.