while leading workshops and teaching classes, chatting with fellow
authors at book signings, and just plain commiserating with writer
pals, someone eventually mentions the publishing industry’s latest
sales tactic: free downloads of our books to Nook and Kindle owners.
Once that proverbial door is open, it’s a pretty sure bet that someone else
will ask, “How can we ‘up’ our sales stats if publishers keep giving
our books away?”
The topic is one of many in a
long list of “new industry trends.” It wasn’t so long ago, as you’ll
recall, that we sat around pooh-poohing the at-the-time new trend:
ebooks. “They’ll go the way of record albums and eight-track tapes,” we
snorted, “because those reader-type gizmos will never
take the place of print-on-paper in the hearts of true-blue book
Mmm-hmm, and weren’t we
just all shades of shocked and surprised when “ereader” and “free
download” became household words that struck fear into the hearts of
authors for whom “piracy” roused images of captains Hook and Kidd.
(Remember when the opening pages of every novel said, “If you
purchased this book without a cover, you should be aware that this book
is stolen property; it was reported as “unsold and destroyed” to the
publisher, and neither the author nor the publisher received any
payment for this “stripped book.”? I guess we can cross that
worry off our What to Fret About lists, because there will always be a
plethora of Jack Sparrows among us, searching out clever new ways to
But I digress.
Purists contend that the
purchase price and battery life of an ereader, together with the cost
of downloads, will add ereaders to the endangered species list. And on
the other side of the aisle, industry analysts point out that the high
cost of doing business is responsible for the declining number of
brick-and-mortar bookstores.
that strange and eerie place where the two meet, some genius threw the
“Give ’em away!” idea at the wall … and it stuck. That means we authors
had better figure out how to embrace the philosophy if we want to stand
out in the ever-increasing pool of talented writers, because those
glory days, when companies pampered authors with huge advances and
high-falootin’ book tours, are as gone (to quote a song) as a Civil War
soldier. And that means kicking in a few bucks to
show our willingness to increase their bottom line: Book Trailers,
bookmarks and postcards, pens and key chains … and our cooperation when
publishers give away dozens (and sometimes hundreds) of free copies of
our books.
But as one friend and published
author (I’ll call her Freddie) said, “How can we show good numbers
[during each royalty period] if our publishers continue giving
away so many copies of our books?”
have to look at this
giveaway practice,” said another published pro (aka Bub), “as a
marketing tactic; if offering a free book inspires a reader to buy one
copy of your next book, it was worth the investment. Done properly,
your name gets out there. Done enough times, and
your name goes viral. And in this business, exposure like that equals
So, is Bub correct when he says
that giveaways are a growing trend? Is Freddie’s argument—that free
stuff devalues the writer and the book—valid?
Should we line up behind Bub, who believes people don’t value things
based on what they cost, but on what others think
they’re worth? Or follow Freddie, who can’t wrap her mind around the
concept that she’s expected to show an increase in the number books
sold per royalty period, when the giveaways aren’t counted as sales?
Maybe, just maybe, it boils down
to this:
It’s more important than ever
that we authors continue writing the best stories we can, while praying
like crazy that God will put them in the hands of people who will
appreciate the blood, sweat, and tears that went into each. Do that,
and we can hope that, after reading a free download, readers will boost
the sales of our print books by way of that
old-fashioned method: word of mouth.
