Dear Reader,
March is a month for celebration. Many people recognize Saint Patrick’s contribution to history. A holiday has even been established to acknowledge his life. And while some people associate Saint Patrick with green beer and parades, there was a whole lot more to his life than his Irish heritage. He also had faith in Jesus Christ. So as you celebrate St. Patty’s Day this year, make sure to reflect all that Jesus has done for you. We’re still blessed people despite these difficult times.
This month CFOM introduces Michelle Levigne as the new “Fiction Rants” columnist. She has a wacky sense of humor that is sure to make you smile.
CFOM also has two columnists retiring this month. Susan May Warren’s Big Screen/Your Scene column will be ending due to her busy schedule. She says she really enjoyed contributing to the magazine and plans to slip in a guest column here and there if needed. Her column will be replaced next month with Sarah Salter’s debut column titled Box Office or Book Store? The focus of the column is comparing books and movies with the same title. The columnist will recommend one or the other after introducing both. With money in short supply these days, readers may want to know whether they should spend their hard-earned bucks in the book store or at the box office. Her column may very well be the resource you need to decide.
Our other retiring columnist is Fiction Fix-it’s Meredith Efken. She says she enjoyed contributing to the magazine but simply doesn’t have the time to continue. So her column will be replaced with Word for Words, the Fine Art of Editing written by Adele Annesi. Last, Loree Lough has a new column that will presents various thoughts and tips regarding fiction and the writer’s life. It’s titled, Loree’s Lough Down. I’m sure you’ll find Loree’s pointers well worth the read. So while we will miss our retiring columnists, I promise you exciting days ahead.
More interesting data . . .
By February 2009, CFOM has had over 46,000 visitors and more than 85,000 page loads. Our magazine reaches fiction READERS and encourages them monthly. How do I know this? I read the fan mail and believe you me, we get some every month. The feedback continues to be encouraging, and I’m proud to be associated with this quality magazine. For authors and publishers alike CFOM continues to be an effective way to reach fiction readers regarding new releases. If you want to partner with us simply clicking on Advertising at the bottom of any main page and check out our amazingly affordable prices. It’s first come first serve, so if you see a spot on our magazine you want to rent from us, know that we’re willing to accommodate you, but you need to contact us soon before it is no longer be available.
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"Disclaimer - while these columnists are part of the CFBA family, their views do not necessarily reflect the values of the CFBA organization."
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