Soul Saver

Elizabeth Musser

Author Interview

Elizabeth Musser

Elizabeth Musser, an Atlanta native and the bestselling author of The Swan House, is a novelist who writes what she calls ‘entertainment with a soul.’ Her Secrets of the Cross trilogy will be published in the summer of 2012, including the long-awaited finale, Two Destinies.

For over twenty years, Elizabeth and her husband, Paul, have been involved in missions work with International Teams. They presently live near Lyon, France. The Mussers have two sons and a daughter-in-law.

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Kelly Klepfer

Novel Reviews

Great Book Reviews for May

Not This Time by Vicki Hinze

The 13th Tribe by Robert Liparulo

                           Cooking The Books by Bonnie S. Calhoun

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Nora St. Laurent


It's Our Birthday!

My husband, Fred, is and always has been an avid reader. He is the computer whiz who helps me at TBCN website. He also is an aspiring author who sends out the funniest messages to get people engaged in participating in TBCN’s monthly contests, and inspiring people to nominate and...

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Dee Stewart

Multicultural Fiction

Two Controversial Novels on Faith and Distortion

Just after I turn in my novels to my publisher, I begin my hunt for a deep spring read, the kind of novel that makes me drop to my knees and thank God that my editor didn’t read it before she signed me, the kind of novel that makes me want to be a better craftsman at writing, the kind of novel that explores topics about my faith that challenges my stewardship, the kind of novel that affirms why I lean on the body of Christ when I’m weak, and the kind of novel where I don’t mind sentences as long as this one.

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Nancy Moser



In our family, I am the navigator. Give me a map and I’ll get us there. A few years ago we bought a GPS—a Ground-Positioning System. My life was made easier as I punched in our destination and hit GO. We could watch our progress on the screen, even noticing nearby lakes and rivers that we might not have seen from the road. When we came to a turn, the GPS’s female voice told us to turn either right or left.

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