“James, call me,” his voice
blasted through the intercom.
“Doesn’t he know how busy I
am!” I wanted others to hear my dissatisfaction with our leader.
“Luke, this is James, what’s
“Come to my office.”
“I’m in the middle of something.
Can it wait?”
“No, we need you here now.”
This doesn’t sound good.
“I’ll be right up.” He’d already hung up.
On the way upstairs I stopped in
my office. Most people would kill for an office like mine. It’s bigger
than most apartments. The best features, though, were the pictures of
my family. I grabbed my planner and headed upstairs.
For six years I’ve walked from
my office, through the huge lobby, and up the stairs to the executive
offices. At times the stress was unbearable, but never did I experience
the uneasiness I carried now.
“Sit down.” Luke pointed to the
chair next to Forrest Cheetham, CFO.