Proof of Heaven


Yolanda M. Johnson-Bryant

Publicity - Everyone Needs It

Tapping into Local Resources

Over the past few months, we’ve talked about several ways to market your work and gain publicity. This month I want to talk about a few untapped resources that many of us don’t think of and ultimately miss out on. For those who cannot afford costly marketing and publicity agents, plans, and tactics, I think you’d agree that many of these free and low-cost...

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Cara Putman

ACFW Happenings

What’s A Writer To Do?

November is here and with it a distinct lack of writers’ conferences. I’m still recovering from another hugely successful ACFW conference, this one in St. Louis, the last weekend of September. There is an amazing energy and excitement to an ACFW conference. It’s like a grand family reunion where many online friendships turn to squeals and hugs...

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Track Changes - One Editor's POV

Ramona Richards

Write What You...What?

We’ve all heard it. I’ve heard it attributed to Mark Twain, which makes me raise an eyebrow. After all, he said about half of his well-known quotations with sardonic tongue in cheek. (The other half aren’t actually his, but that’s another story. Mr. Sam gets mistaken for Will Rogers a lot, and vice versa.)

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Terry Burns

Heard It Thru Hartline

What Makes a Best Seller?

There are several major paths to a traditionally published book becoming a best seller. First, the most common path is the book is by a previous best-selling author. There is a huge readership base, and the author really has to drop the ball for the book to fail to achieve best-seller status. In addition, based on the track record of the previous books, the publishing house throws major advertising, promotion, and the full distribution and placement support behind the title.

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Janice Hanna Thompson

Supplementing Your Habit

Glancing Back...Looking Ahead

It’s hard to believe 2012 is just around the corner! I don’t know about you, but I’m excited about the prospects. What will the New Year will bring? Only the Lord knows. Still, it’s good to face the next year with a plan of action, and that’s exactly the topic I’d like to discuss over the next couple of months as we close out 2011.

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