Rachel Hauck

Best-selling author and award winning author Rachel Hauck lives in central Florida with her husband and loving pets. She earned a B.A. degree in Journalism from Ohio State University and spent seventeen years in the corporate software world before leaving to write full time. Rachel loves to teach and mentor writers.

She is a Book Therapist at www.MyBookTherapy.com, a daily craft blog and community for writers. In the past, Rachel is the president of American Christian Fiction Writers and now servers on the Advisor Board. Visit her blog and web site at www.rachelhauck.com.

Dodging Raindrops

Charting Your Course

Ninety percent of life is about showing up: Being there for your parents, your spouse, your children and friends, keeping commitments, working hard.

But what about the remaining 10 percent? How does that factor into success in life?

The first 10 percent is the fuel that powers the 90.

Showing up is good. But let’s be honest, showing up doesn’t guarantee success. I can “show up” at Weight Watcher’s meetings for support and inspiration and never lose a pound. I can “show up” at my desk to write a book and never complete a page. I can “show up” for a new relationships but never gain a friend.

The other 10 percent must be about planning, creating purpose, and charting a course.

The apostle Paul wrote to the church at Ephesus to make the most of our time because the days are evil (Eph. 5:16).

What we do with our time does matter. We will stand before God’s judgment seat and give an account.

When I first started writing, I worked full time as a software program manager, ministered with my husband, led worship, and served as vice president of American Christian Fiction Writers. In my quiet moments, I’d pray and dream up stories.

After a year or so, I went to the Lord with this prayer: “I can’t stand before You and account for all the time I’ve spent trying to write. If You have something else for me to do, show me. If you want me to write, open the door.”

Within a few months, the first publication door opened and I walked through.

I’m not a detail person. In fact, my husband tells people I don’t write down what I need to do; I journal what I did. But I began to organize my time in order to meet my first deadline while working, ministering, and serving.

I wrote evenings and weekends and took a couple of days vacation. I planned my word count for each session and typed until I’d achieved it.

In the early 2000s, I lost weight by tracking “points” with Weight Watchers Online. If a special meal event was coming up, I planned for those extra points.

One of my goals is to have a rich life in God. I want to know Jesus, enjoy Him, and fellowship with Him. Showing up doesn’t get me there. I can show up for worship services and prayer meetings, work parties and pot luck and still not know Him. I have to purpose to know God. I have to plan my time away with Him and take my thoughts captive.

To achieve this goal, I gave up television. I don’t go to a lot of movies. My husband and I don’t have a lot of outside hobbies. But we are satisfied by our pursuit of Jesus.

This is my story. What about you? What are your goals and dreams? What plans or purpose do you have in mind to achieve success? Are you living by the tyranny of the moment? Are you

letting the 90 percent fuel the 10? Do you go from drama to drama? If so, you’ll never achieve the calling you feel on your heart.

Capturing the 10 percent of your life:

1. Start with prayer. Go to God and ask for a plan. If you don’t have clear direction or vision, ask Him. First Corinthians 2:9 tells us we can’t even imagine the good things God has for us.

2. Take back your time. Are you doing only the things God’s called you to do, or things that please others? Do you care more what man thinks than God, or your family? Take a hard look at what you’re doing and remove things from your plate.

3. Give of your time. Maybe instead of doing too much you do too little. You can’t serve or put muscle into achieving your goals because you might miss an episode of Lost or an installment of American Idol. Guess what? While you’re watching, they’re achieving. You were made for more!

4. Schedule your time. Even if you’re a nonscheduler like me, you need to at least look at your day in segments: work, sleep, and family time. Then you can block off time for writing, creating, studying, praying, exercising, or meeting a friend. It doesn’t have to be a big start. Thirty minutes. Just start.

5. Just say no. Keep away distractions. Achieving goals, working toward a dream is hard work. Some days I welcome distractions because the blank page is painful, but I must press on or miss my deadline. Learn to embrace the journey from inspiration to perspiration. You will love the finished product!

You can do it!


Love Starts With Elle