![]() Bonnie S. Calhoun
the Founder and Publisher of Christian Fiction Online
Magazine . She is also the Owner and Director of the Christian
Fiction Blog Alliance which is the parent organization for
the magazine.
![]() Climb Every Mountain
I met Marlene when I went to my first-ever Phila conference in 2006. I fell in love with her as a sister in Christ, and our meeting has blossomed into a full-blown friendship. She is my friend, my mentor, LOL…and my boss, as I am on staff at both of her conferences. Take it away Marlene…
I must climb many mountains I prepare to direct the Colorado Christian Writers Conference (May 12–15) and the Greater Philadelphia Christian Writers Conference (August 12–14). My faith muscles get a real workout. Much remains to be done, but the dream, fueled by the power of His Spirit, keeps me putting one foot in front of the other. This is how it is for Christians who are called to write. The blank computer screen is intimidating. Even when we begin to fill it with words, the goal may seem too far distant and impossible to reach. Our determination may wane as the evil one throws obstacles in our paths or accuses that we are not good enough, smart enough, or creative enough to be published. Other things demand our time and energy. Without encouragement, many give up writing. I would have never gotten my first book in print, much less seven others, without the practical help, encouragement, and contacts I made at Christian writers’ conferences. And so, directing the two conferences all these years is my way of giving back in appreciation. And the faculty-authors have the same mind-set: Rather than seeing up-and-coming authors as a threat, they come alongside to help, from commenting on manuscripts to sharing tips and perhaps even recommending a conferee to their agent or publisher. The spirit of helpfulness and encouragement at CCWC and GPCWC is exciting to observe. And each year, beyond the valuable networking that takes place, deep and lasting friendships form. Not to be downplayed are the exciting workshops and continuing sessions. One conferee observed they are equal to a full semester’s course in writing. To be good stewards of the space CCWC rents at the YMCA of the Rockies in Estes Park, early-bird workshops are offered on Wednesday afternoon while staff and volunteers set up book and literature tables. CFOM’s publisher, Bonnie Calhoun, will teach Blogging, Facebook, and Twitter. “For the cost of zero dollars,” Bonnie says, “an author can easily create an Internet presence that effectively reaches thousands of people a day.” In her workshop you’ll learn to “Blog and micro-blog to the masses,” thus building the “platform” that is essential for gaining editorial interest in your manuscript. ![]() Creating Convincing Characters will be taught by Megan DiMaria, author of two novels, Searching for Spice and Out of Her Hands (Tyndale House Publishers). Does it take you forever to
finish a
The conference formally gets
underway Thursday morning with
Advanced Fiction Writing. Those who are ready to take their fiction to the next level will explore character growth and change, creating believable character emotion, voice, exposition, a sense of place, style, conveying meaning through implication, and more. Time will be available for discussing problems in your work in progress. Have you become so focused on
getting published that you’ve Jeff Gerke, publisher at Marcher Lord Press, will talk about current publishing prospects for writing fiction “that takes us beyond the edge of the map” in his continuing session, Speculative, Sci-Fi & Fantasy.
Or maybe you have a finished or
near-finished manuscript and
Teens are encouraged to take
part in the entire conference at 60
percent off the registration fee and/or to attend Teens Write on
Saturday afternoon. Making Characters Real with Barb Haley, To learn more about CCWC and our faculty of sixty authors, editors, and agents, visit www.writehisanswer.com/Colorado. Photos of the magnificent Rocky Mountains will greet you. You will be encouraged to “climb every mountain” as you pursue your dream to write His answer through the power of story. In addition to directing the Colorado and Greater Philadelphia Christian Writers Conference, Marlene Bagnull has served on the faculty of over seventy conferences and taught over fifty one- and two-day writing seminars around the country. She is the compiler-editor of three books and author of five books including Write His Answer—A Bible Study for Christian Writers. She offers fiction and nonfiction At-Home Writing Workshops, a correspondence study program. Marlene also helps writers self-publish affordably yet professionally through Ampelos Press. Visit www.writehisanswer.com to learn more. Visit www.writehisanswer.com/Philadelphia for information about the August 12-14 Greater Philadelphia Christian Writers Conference. ![]() ![]() |