
Book club leaders! Start 2009
off with a bang—and highly-recommended reading! Win a copy of Tosca
Lee’s Christy Award-nominated Demon: A Memoir
or her newest, Havah: The
Story of Eve, a very cool Havah mug, bookmarks for
each club member and
book plates for members of your club who want to personalize their own
enter, send a note to books [at] toscalee [dot] com with CFOM
in the subject line. Winners will be notified by January.
Discussing one of Tosca’s books
in your club? Send a request to tosca [at] toscalee [dot] com for
signed book plates for each member, discussion questions not found in
the book, and to organize a Q&A with the author or discussion
call-in! For more information, go to:
www.demonamemoir.com or
“Passionate and riveting… Lee’s superior storytelling will have readers
weeping for all that Havah forfeited by a single damning choice.”
--Publishers Weekly starred review
I could go on and on
about how much I love this story... the imagery [Lee] creates from
everyday words is beyond what I've ever read before.
--Michelle Sutton, author of It’s Not
About Me
is a novel with boundless imagination.”
--Eric Wilson, author of Field of Blood
and Fireproof

is an epic and explosive novel. Stunning prose and evocative imagery.
--Relz Reviews
“Lee’s prose is
powerful and beautiful. Her imagery of Eden, of Paradise and angels and
Elohim, filled me with awe.”
--Novel Reviews, on Demon: A Memoir
“The most creative,
mind-twisting novel of the summer.”
--Infuzemag.com, on Demon: A Memoir
Read the first chapter of
Read the first chapter of Demon here:
View another trailer: HERE