An attractive older woman with
flaming red hair stepped out from behind a light pole.
“Whoa!” How did she
do that?
Steve Languth had paused at the
curb, waiting for the light to change. Had she materialized? Or was he
hallucinating? Maybe he’d been reading too many science fiction novels
when he should have been writing his term paper.
Sure, she was thin. But a light
pole couldn’t be more than six inches wide. As she moved toward him, he
concluded that she probably had about a twenty-four inch waist.
And why did she remind him of
his wife? She could be Angie’s aunt or mother.
“We need to talk,” the woman
“Sorry, lady. I have to get to
the bank as soon as it opens.”
“I know.”
“How could you know?” He shook
his head. “Are you related to my wife?”
She didn’t reply.
“Well, whoever you are, it was
nice meeting you. But I have to go. The bank is about to open, and it
is right across the street there.” He started to walk off.