Nicola Martinez

Publisher's Corner

The Wild Rose Press

The Wild Rose Press was started on May 1, 2006, by two writing critique partners, RJ Morris and Rhonda Penders.

Their premise for Wild Rose Press was to provide a “kinder and gentler” publishing company where authors would be treated with respect, concern, and understanding. RJ and Rhonda wanted a publishing company that didn’t make authors wonder what was happening with their manuscripts. They also believed that no one should ever again receive a form rejection letter.

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Angela Breidenbach

ACFW Happenings

They’re Doing What?

American Christian Fiction Writers (ACFW) is a fairly but fast growing group of authors and industry professionals. What? You knew that? You knew we had over 1700 members and are still growing? Huh. Well what will I tell you then?

Ah. You are still wondering what the buzz is about the contests we sponsor. The contests rules and information confuse you? Let’s see if we can help clarify who the BOTY and Genesis contests are for, what they mean to you, and how you can take part.

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Heard It Through Hartline

Diana Flegal

Publishing and the Economy

Greetings to one and all from Hartline Literary Agency. We hope you all had a blessed Christmas and are looking forward to a fresh New Year. We at Hartline are celebrating the goodness of God and His faithfulness to give us continual new beginnings by His Grace.

This past year was a successful year for Hartline and we pray that despite the economic predictions, God will continue to bless our clients and the CBA publishers as...

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Gotta Get It!?

Kelly Mortimer

The Plot Coagulates

Plot: a secret plan or scheme to accomplish some purpose; especially a hostile, unlawful, or evil purpose.

Wow! Kewl definition, ain’t it? Some of us may have a secret plan or scheme to accomplish some purpose. (Mine? To slide the pre-published into the published category. Shhh. Don’t tell anyone.) Hostile? Unlawful? Evil? (Me? Only if ya ask my ex-husbands. Sorry, already off-track.) Okay. Guess I’d better defer to definition number two.

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Book Video Trailers

George Polivka

Previews of Literary Attractions

he term trailer, as applied to those flash floods of celluloid excitement that wash over us in the dark prior to the feature presentation, is already a misnomer. It doesn’t trail, rather it precedes. When Hollywood started making these advertisements for future productions a hundred years ago (yes!), they were stitched to the end of Saturday matinees.

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Publicity - Everyone Needs It

DAve Bartlett


By now we are well into 2009, with the holidays already pushed out of our thoughts by the demands of our daily lives. But I would like to state the sincere hope that your New Year will be filled with goodness and joy, despite the challenges we all face in these difficult times.

I will share some of the things I do to help promote Harvest House’s fiction...

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