route to getting published started on Writing Stories Highway, which
took me up Interstate Hard Work to the Determination Road overpass. I
traveled through the highly populated Town of Insecurity. I ended up in
Blows of Life Forrest and almost drowned in Upheaval Lake. I was
getting disheartened and weary so I spent the night in Frustration
Valley and later broke down in Doubting County. With God’s guiding hand
I was able to make my way to the Tunnel of Tenacity and came out the
other end with an indomitable spirit. When I hit Rejection Mountain my
heart sank but I resolved to climb it. The wildflowers were well
watered with my tears. Once I was on the very edge of giving up, the
Lord grabbed hold of me and let me know I must continue the journey.
Years into this trek, holding on
to Jesus and focusing on my goal, I finally reached the beautiful
Borough of Purpose in the Region of Destiny. I had achieved
publication. That view in my rearview mirror was an amazing eye opener
because it presented a graphic look at the map of where I’ve been.
In my most vivid memory is the
image of me, a woman in my forties at two o’clock in the morning
slumped in sleep over my computer. That was a regular occurrence
because I would get home from work and feel the passion to write. At
this juncture, I had abandoned the rigors of nursing for the madness of
business and was carving out a career with an insurance company.
Already tired from working eight to ten hours and sometimes twelve, I
would wolf down something passing for a meal at the computer while I
wrote. My mind raced with ideas, ideas my fingers couldn’t type fast
enough. I would get sleepy but fight it because I had to
write it out. The adrenaline rush did well for a while in keeping me
going. I was exhausted, but my writing flow was not. Alas, after hours
of writing and rewriting, my body would win the battle and I’d
literally fall asleep sitting up in the chair, my hands resting on the
keyboard, or I’d be slumped in some other silly position. My husband
was not happy to find me here in the morning. He couldn’t understand
the relentless drive that urged me on night after night. To him it was
insanity . . . or menopause madness, as he called it. This went on for
months until I completed my first book, a nonfiction goal fulfilled so
I relaxed . . . just a bit.
thinking the passion was satisfied, I soon discovered my first
work had fanned the flames. Now I was dealing with a roaring inferno
that gravitated toward fiction. Stories started pouring out of me. I
connected with my calling to write, with the realization I wasn’t
running the show. This lifetime love and hobby had morphed into a
burning passion that wasn’t about to go away. This was a God thing and
what had been placed in me from the start. I was born to write, to tell
stories and highlight the gospel and all the related revelations that
come to me through the written word. Wow! What an honor, what a
mindblower to step into your divine vocation so unintentionally yet so
that my day job was just that, a job. It became less and less
fulfilling, while writing grew more satisfying and I became more
productive. I had to pull back the runaway enthusiasm,
gradually learned how to manage my time, my other responsibilities, and
my feeling-neglected husband. After doing all that I needed to do
throughout the day, I was too tired to write. So I prayed for wisdom
and the Holy Spirit showed me I should write at specific times when I’m
more rested. A tad of the drive to write all the time waned so I could
think about other things and function with balance. I later learned
that made me a better writer.
I will never forget those nights
falling to sleep at my computer. That in itself was a learning
experience. I continue to have a relentless urge to write. I still love
it and the passion is alive and well, but I have a handle on it now and
can successfully incorporate it into my life and maintain that
necessary balance.
Of course writing can consume
your thoughts and life, which you want to avoid. Fortunately, I always
kept the Lord as head of my writing, which helped me to be solidly
attentive to my craft yet always grounded in Christ, and to allow
quality time for all life’s responsibilities like family, church,
social activities, and more.
The thing about a rearview
mirror is that you can’t keep your eyes on it too long. You have to
look forward, to where you want to go, or you will crash. It’s okay to
glance back to glean wisdom from your errors and revisit the genius of
what you did right. There’s nothing wrong with looking around at where
you are at the present, but most important, always look out that front
windshield to where you want to go.
