You Make Me Feel Like Dancing

Life-Transforming Fiction

Assuring the Life-Changing Success of What We Write

Dave Meigs

As I write this, I have just returned from an exciting youth event called Big Splash. The thrill of the experience is still surging through my heart and spirit, though my fifty-something-year-old youth-pastor body is worn to a nubbins. It was exhausting...

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Fiction Rants

The Third time Isn't The Charm

John Perrodin

Admit it, many “undiscovered” writers hate—err—are intensely jealous of Paolini. As a high school kid, he self-published his first book, Eragon, and with his parents drove around the country, selling his book by hand until he got picked up by a New York publisher.

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Rachel's Faces, Tweets and Spaces

Rachel Hauck

Twitteriffic - Part II

Last month we talked about the benefits of social media hot spots like Twitter. As authors, or marketing professionals, even...

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All About YA

Books That Make You LOL

Jill Williamson

This month I’m highlighting author Jenny B. Jones. I have never read a book that made me laugh as long or as hard as the first book in the Katie Parker series, In Between.

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Quantum Marketing

You Want To Establish Your Brand?

jim Rubart

In May I taught a class at the NCWA Writers Renewal Conference on branding and identity.

The night before my workshop, as Mick Silva and I chowed down on pizza, he said something that flicked on a switch in my mind and...

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Fiction International

Tips to Tackling an American Setting While Living Overseas

Lisa Harris

We writers know how important research is. Readers are smart, and they expect us to get the facts right. But what happens when we can’t physically visit the place our story is set in? I’ve been in contact with a number of other authors living outside...

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