The Survivor


Yolanda M. Johnson-Bryant

Publicity - Everyone Needs It

Spotlight on Pam Perry

Marketing your writing is a daunting task, a job that is never done. Writers must be persistent and consistent if they want to obtain and keep a continued interest in their work and their presence. Too often, many writers under-market their work and do not research current trends...

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Cara Putman

ACFW Happenings

Carol Award

Last month, ACFW announced the finalists for the 2011 Carol Award in a press conference at the International Christian Retail Show. This award is bestowed upon the “best of the best” in Christian fiction published in the previous calendar year. The 2011 awards...

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Track Changes - One Editor's POV

Ramona Richards

Nasty Form Rejections

Recently, a couple of my favorite agent bloggers, Rachelle Gardner and Nathan Bransford, posted about the whys and wherefores of rejection. In the comments that followed, writers expressed frustration about form rejections, those undetailed, “does not fit our line” slips of paper that most writers could paper

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Terry Burns

Heard It Thru Hartline

The New Breed of Agent

Last month I announced several changes at Hartline. We continue restructuring as agent Diana Flegal establishes a field office in Ashville, North Carolina, and Kathy Myers joins us at the agency as Joyce Hart’s executive assistant.

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Janice Hanna Thompson

Supplementing Your Habit

Keep On Keepin’ On

Welcome to a new month, friends! Last month I introduced the topic of perseverance and shared some thoughts from the life of Noah. Freelancers must learn to hang in there, even when the going gets tough. (Especially when the going gets tough.) This month we’re going to forge ahead with our teaching.

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