But how can the contrasts of
this lovely stone—black swirled against white—help us understand
The onyx stone is a
black-and-white banded variety of quartz, called “zebra agate.” A
completely black stone is called, you guessed it, “black agate.”
Onyx has been used through the
centuries for art and pottery, as well as jewelry and ornamental
building material.
But how can the contrasts of
this lovely stone—black swirled against white—help us understand
fiction? Love versus hate. Good versus evil. Light against dark.
Perhaps some themes are more subtle like lost dreams, hope deferred,
As readers, we look for contrast
in a story as conflict and tension. We can call it the “onyx” of the
story. Without those elements, a book isn’t very engaging.
How fun to have two characters
on a page striving to achieve the same goal but for different reasons.
And each one wants to win. We find ourselves engrossed, cheering for
the underdog and turning pages.
The onyx of Ted Dekker’s
thriller Blink of an Eye is the contrast of
cultures and worldviews. A Muslim woman risks her life to escape a
marriage forged by a political alliance, while an American man with an
unusual gift risks his life trying to save hers.
Dekker tells the story with
classic good versus evil action. We want to save the protagonists and
punch out the antagonist.
What about a story with lesser
stakes, less action—perhaps a romance novel or women’s fiction? In Deb
Raney’s Beneath a Southern Sky, Daria and Nate live
out their dream and calling as South American missionaries—until he is
killed. Raney’s story onyx is life and death, and a picture of how
wounded, hurting people keep hopes and dreams alive in their darkest
moments. In Denise Hunter’s Surrender Bay, the onyx
is an eleven-year-old secret.
Too often we read books so
quickly we don’t notice the gems the author scatters throughout the
Billerbeck’s Ashley
Stockingdale series is a humorous tale of a single Christian
woman’s love life. But between the laugh-out-loud moments, we see a
deep longing in the heroine to live a life of meaning. She may love
Prada handbags, but she also loves justice. We can identify with her.
I feel inspired after reading
many of these stories. While the characters are fictional, I know they
reflect real-world dreams and disappointments, courage and fears.
True, most fiction is about fun
and escape, but it’s also about discovering a little piece of
ourselves, and a little piece of humanity, in the stories and
characters we read.
On your next fiction read, slow
down, look a little deeper, and discover the onyx stone.
